Friday, December 27, 2019

Crime and Punishment: Part 1 - In Doubt

I am currently reading Fyodor Doestoevsky's Crime and Punishment, but I am very slow in reading the book. I am very slow with everything, not just reading.

I usually read before I sleep. However, I end up sleeping before I anticipate that I would finish up to a point that I decided to do so.

It's a great read so far, but it is also really hard . It is extremely depressing and nothing like what the most important people or movies with important scenes have made me believe so about this book. I had read Notes from the Underground and I remember enjoying it tremendously. It was my all time favorite book until now; now that I have forgotten what it was all about and what part of Notes did I really enjoy. I feel I have cheated with myself and my liking for the book.

Now I feel not just older but more mature and wise to understand a book. I feel I can go back to Notes (especially since it was my favorite and a smaller book).

I am inclined and curious about Crime and Punishment. At the same time, I have this slight cringe just to resume the part where I had left off. The minute I start, it goes all well, but then I fall asleep, Unquestionably!

I have reached the part where Raskolnikov is plotting to kill his pawn-broker. I believe the part after the murder is where the book gets really exciting and more fun to read than Raskolnikov's depressing part.